Saturday, February 7, 2009

COMMUNITIES: more custom content

Have you ever looked at the ads that appear next to your Facebook? Mine include: "Need new rush shirts?" "Considering grad school?" and "Yes we can! Get your Obama TV shirts!" Wait a second, how did they know I was in a sorority, a senior and a democrat? My friend is non-greek, republican, sophomore male, when I asked him what ads were next to his Facebook he told said his were: "Tampa Bucks apparel 20% off", "Spring Break 2009 trips" and "Hunting gear... cheap!" This is an example of how social networking sites today are customizing content and are to target me according to what I like and need (or what they think I do).
So how are they doing this? The answer is actually somewhat simple, Facebook applications! The Facebook "Press Room" boasts that today their are, "more then 52,000 applications available", from "more than 660,000 developers and entrepreneurs". With this many different applications users are able to customize their profile and get updates on exactly what they want.
The most recent application I personally put on my profile was, "We're related". Recently all my relatives have been joining Facebook, everybody from long lost 2nd cousins to my mom. The application was first launched in 2007 and has become the most popular Facebook app for families with more then 15 million users. (Facebook Press Room) This application allows me to build my own family tree, share info across the country and keep in touch with people who I would normally only see every five to ten years! The fact that Facebook automatically fills out my very own personal "family tree" is almost scary. I can get a message from the application saying: "We think this could be your aunt", and there's my Aunt Joan! I didn't even know she was on the internet! This takes personalization to the next level.
The ability for communities to cater to me is what makes them so amazing. These are MY friends, MY family, MY pictures, MY beliefs. It let's us express ourselves and what we like more then ever before. These applications let you support your favorite brand, band, actress, drink... they have everything! The internet can be so big and vast, but things like "Facebook applications" are letting people customize content and bringing online communities to a more personal level, and lets face it... it's not bad for advertisers either.


Facebook, (2007, 10). Facebook Application: We're Related. Retrieved February 7, 2009, Web site:

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed with the ability of Facebook to recognize our personal interests and needs. I have noticed this same feature on Amazon. Whenever I buy something from and later sign back on, there are images of items similar to what I previously purchased. Above the items it says "You may also like!" This is a GREAT way to advertise because each individual is paired with items that relate to their own interests.

