Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Will Google go down?

We all know Google is a power house. They are the best search engine out there today, and they keep growing... but could they possibly grow to fast? 
In his book, Marking to the Social Web" Larry Webster (no pun intended) points 
out that history could repeat itself for Google, using "Friendster v Myspace" as an example. He says, "The site Friendster became so obsessed with new products and growth that it took it's eye off the ball-- namely the quality and usability of their core product." Poof! Along came MySpace and Friendster is now history. He also points out that the same thing is now happening to MySpace. It has becoming so commercial that people have started migrating and today "Facebook signs up more new member every month, even though it's No. 2 in the US market." 

Could this really happen to Google? One argument is that Google is a brand, not a search engine, but what happens when a new search engine comes along with better technology and leaves Google just as a brand, not a search engine? Will it survive? 

To read the full article CLICK HERE! (AdAge.com) 

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